“How to be a Shinee - A book you can colour” Spring 2022

Bradley Culebro (Sir Loupeepants) is a American/Guatemalan living in his converted Honda CR-V anywhere the wind blows. Is an artist/writer that graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree from George Mason University but the only electricity that interests him are the ones in your brain that lead to creativity. Using Ink/Marker on paper seems to be his strong suit but won’t shy away from some acrylic on canvas. With these lines he portrays a more psychedelic world that emphasizes color and body features to bring a smile to the common people. While in his writing, likes to use limericks to get his point across.

Sir Loupeepants artwork shows that life is all a joke and we must enjoy it, the reality we share is perspective based and this perspective comes directly from our own senses. Using small details to build a larger picture, Sir Loupeepants is inspired by his surroundings and builds a speshal world in which the characters live in. Honestly, this is really difficult to talk about yourself in the third person but i’m hoping you get the point.


Website: Maybe here idk

Instagram : click there

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